C2C ADVANCE IPO POSTPOND C2c advance system Limited, SME IPO, whose listing date has been postponed and whose. Due to this investors are worried, now how to withdraw their money.The…
250₹ ka share NEXT MULTIBAGGER?????| Best Stock To Buy There are 2 reasons why FPO is being done 1- FPI should have a higher share holding percentage 2- Their rival…
23 Stock May F&O Stock Ban? |SEBI REVISES CRITERIA FOR ENTRY, EXIT OF STOCK IN F&O STOCK SEBI made changes regarding entry and exit of stocks in future and option…
First of all let's quickly look at the data of telecom industry Indian telecom market is expected to account for 48.6 USD billion per year by 2024 In 2019 here…
We have analysed 25 private companies and published a report where they said that the PSUs are dominating the defence industry, but if there is going to be growth in…
Kelton Tech Solution Company - Dieses Unternehmen bietet neben IT-Services viele andere Dienste an, wie etwa digitale Transformation und ERP, also Unternehmensressourcen. Im Jahr 2014 hatte das Unternehmen einen Auftragsbestand…
If we talk about the total size, then in 2021 the total marker size of the farmers actor was 14 million dollars, which will become 13 million dollars by 2030,…
First let me make one thing clear that how many ways are there to see different things. Like on the basis of dividend face value, on the basis of EPS,…
1 - Kelton Tech Solution Company - This company provides many services other than IT services like digital transformation and ERP i.e. enterprise resources. In 2014, the company has an…